Fátima Zagonel



Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Volume 17 Part 4 November 2000 Incorporating The Kew Magazine Blackwell Publishers

Fine Botanical Paintings

Contemporary Botanical Works from the Gordon-Craig Gallery
Fine Botanical Paintings Gordon-Craig Publications


A Passion for Plants

Contemporary Botanical Masterworks from the Shirley Sherwood Collection. Shirley Sherwood Published by Cassell & Co.


Brazilian Bees

Brazilian Bees - Sistematics and Identification Fernando A. Silveira, Gabriel A. R. Melo and Eduardo A. B. Almeida Published by the Ministry of Environment, Probio-PNUD and the Araucaria Foundation

297 pen and ink illustrations


Floresta Atlântica: reserva da biosfera

Carlos Renato Fernandes


Aquarela & Navegação: um encontro que fez história

Mirian Paglia Costa / Alberto Beuttenmüeller Editora de Cultura

A New Flowering: 1000 years of Botanical Art

Shirley Sherwood The Ashmolean

Historical Trees in the Landscape of Curitiba

Centre of Botanical Illustration of Paraná - CIBP Gramofone Produtora Cultural


Treasures of Botanical Art Icons

from the Shirley Sherwood and Kew Collections
Shirley Sherwood and Martyn Rix
Kew Publishing – Royal Botanic Gardens

Echeveria cante


Notorious Macrofungi of the Paraná-Pine Forests

André August Remi de Meijer Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Embrapa Forestry Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply

38 collored illustrations of fungi species


Old and New South American Botanical Art

M. Pilar de San Pío Aladrén & Shirley Sherwood
Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC (Madri, Spain)

Echeveria cante
Cydista decora
Malvaviscus arboreus

Ilustre Cerrado

nnals of the 3rd National Meeting of Scientific Illustrators and Catalog of the 3rd National Exposition of Scientific Illustration Zenilton de Jesus Gayoso Miranda, Álvaro Evandro Xavier Nunes e Marcos Antonio dos Santos-Silva Association of Scientific Illustrators of Central-Western Brazil

Mandevilla atroviolacea
Tibouchina cerastifolia
T. clinopodifolia
Carica papaya

13th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration

Lugene B. Bruno
Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation

Govenia utriculata


Coloring the Flowers, the Animals and the Landscapes of Curitiba

Ety Cristina Forte Carneiro The Little Prince Children’s Hospital - Section of Education

Embuia – Ocotea porosa

Park of Iguaçu: Natural Heritage of Humanity

Carlos Renato Fernandes e Hudson Garcia
Edição do Autor

Erythrina crista-galli
Maxilaria picta

Introduction to Phytotherapy: Using Medicinal Plants Properly Herbarium Laboratório Botânico Ltda.

Introduction to Phytotherapy: Using Medicinal Plants Properly Herbarium Laboratório Botânico Ltda.

Euterpe oleracea
Cynara scolymus
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Aloe vera
Peumus boldus
Matricaria chamomilla
Cymbopogon citratus
Carthamus tinctorius
Rhamnus purshiana
Echinodorus macrophyllus
Salvia hispanica
Cimicifuga racemosa
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Echinacea angustifolia
Maytenus ilicifolia
Harpagophytum procumbens
Mikania glomerata
Paullinia cupana
Hypericum perforatum
Piper methysticum
Linum usitatissimum
Passiflora actinia
Bauhinia forficata
Pelargonium sidoides
Plantago psyllium
Phyllantus niruri
Cassia angustifolia
Glycine Max
Tribulus terrestris
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Valeriana officinalis
Vitex agnus-castus

The 14th Annual International Juried Botanical Art Ehxibition 2011

American Society of Botanical Art & The Horticultural Society Of New York

Sagittaria montevidensis


Brazilian Insects – Diversity and Taxonomy

Diversidade e Taxonomia
José A. Rafael, Gabriel A.R.Melo, Cláudio J.B.Carvalho, Sônia A.Casari & Reginaldo Constantino UFPR e Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia-BR


The 16th Annual International Juried Botanical Art Ehxibition 2013

Cereus jamacaru

Atlantic Forest – Art and Science IV National Meeting of Scientific Illustrators / Scientific Illustration Exhibition of the IV

Exposição de Ilustração Científica do IV ENIC / Rio de Janeiro

Episcea cupreata var. musaica
Sagittaria montevidensis


FON XIII NY State Museum

Modiola caroliniana
Sagittaria montevidensis

Anatomy of an Illustration – The backstages of Scientific Illustration

Os bastidores da Ilustração Científica – Florianópolis

Cereus jamacaru


World Class Botanical Art Book

Achmea Chantinii Dichorisandra thyrsiflora Carica papaya Sagitaria montevidensis Epsicia cupreata var. musaica Cytopodium paranaensis Tibouchina pulchra Stanhopea tigrina var. nigro violacea

Calendars: "Botanical Art – Plants of Brazil”


Guzmania sp


Cattleya harrisoniae x massassoit
Cattleyia labiatta amesiana
Pleurothalis sonderana


Duranta vestita
Senna bicapsularis


Tillandsia araujeii


Cyrtopodium paranaensis


Carica papaya


Lantana camara

Caesalpinia echinata
Phoenix dactylifera


Hypeastrum hybridum


Tibouchina clinopodifolia / cerastifolia / debilis


Malvaviscus arboreus


Erythrina crista-galli


Mandevilla atriviolacea


Cattleya velutina


Cereus jamacaru


Tibouchiba pulchra
Caesalpina echinata


Cydista decora